Friday, January 29, 2010

McItaly? McFail. Big time.

This is pretty much the first thing I saw when I got off the plane:

Needless to say, I did a double-take, and was pretty goddarn disgusted. I can see what kind of PR they were pushing for, but as far as I'm concerned, it's completely ineffective. I thought the whole appeal of McDonalds, albeit absolutely disgusting, was it's quintessential "American" aspect. Sure, each European country's menu differs slightly according to local cuisine (gyros in Greece, cornetti e cappuccino here in Italia), but I don't think anyone went so far as to Mcdonalds-ize the name of their own country. I knew someone with terrible taste was behind this campaign.

Turns out, it's Berlusconi. Surprise, surprise. Read more about the debate over this campaign here.

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