After hostessing during the brunch shift on Saturdays and Sundays all summer, I have now rediscovered the weekend. Saturdays are meant for shopping, excursions to the city, walking in the park/pretending to run, or playing with kitties for hours on end. Sundays are meant for the farmer's market (where I buy provisions for the week, i.e. lots and lots of kale), GRE homework, guitar practice, and baking.
Sundays are my dolce far niente days, an Italian phrase that literally means "sweet doing nothing". It's the joy you find in doing little things, things that to the outside world have absolutely no value and aren't especially noteworthy, but that you find immense joy in. Americans (especially New Yorkers) tend to micromanage every single aspect of their lives, even on days that are meant to be relaxing. So instead of rushing around tryingtodoeverylittlethingyouhavetodoonyourdayoff, have a bath. Enjoy a slice of cake. Spend your day making a huge pot of soup.
One of my favorite parts of baking is sharing. So when my bff Nina decided to throw a housewarming party, inspiration struck. Peanut butter cookies (that I had mastered a few weeks prior to this), meet homemade marshmallow fluff.
what did you make the marshmallow fluff out of?!?!?!