Wednesday, February 10, 2010

apartment living!

Addio, Ostello La Cordata, e Buon Giorno nuovo appartamento! I am now in an apartment in Isola, an artsy neighborhood of Milano, and I will be here for the next two weeks. I found the room on craigslist, believe it or not, and the girl who rents the room, Carlotta, is molto carina.

Not much has been going on; I’ve gotten some work doing a translation for a website (a company that the daughter of one of the teachers works for), so I’m grateful for that, although I’m sure they’ll pay me very little. I’m also giving English lessons to two other sons of professors at ITIS. One thing I’ve noticed about work in Italy is that it really just falls in your lap, if you make your abilities known. I asked Chiara about how all her friends got jobs, and she said that they all got recommended by family, friends of friends, etc. We stress ourselves out about networking in the US, while Italians seem to accept the network they already have. I’m sure it is more difficult when attempting to find a high level of work, but for someone who has been stressing out about making money for the last six months, it’s a welcome change to have people come to you with work opportunities.

Here are some pictures of the courtyard in the building where I am living now, and of Carlotta’s adorable apartment.

1 comment:

  1. That apartment is adorable. I love that she's repping all of the primary colors in the view in the second photo.
