Saturday, February 20, 2010


I spent a few days in Paris, which was absolutely lovely. I've decided that next time I up and take off to live in Europe, Paris is definitely where I'll be. I pretty much love everything about it. It's a great city to be in by yourself, and I spent most of my time wandering the streets, picking up pastries, seeing the few museums I wanted to see, and generally just taking everything in. I spent a good deal of time in cafes drinking chocolat chaud or cafe au lait and reading.

Luckily, however, I did have some friends to meet up with. Three Smithies, to be exact: two Poofs and a Fried member. It was absolutely wonderful to see them, and now they've gone and followed me back to Milano (I kid, this was all planned ahead of time) so I guess I'll be spending the rest of the weekend with them too ... as well as attempting to detox from the massive amounts of sugar I consumed over the past three days.

Here are some of the pictures from my trip. First, pictures of delicious food:

The best falafel ever from L'As Du Fallafel


This sandwich was the first thing I ate when I got to Paris. I was famished, and had nearly given up hope after going into every Boulangerie along Rue Saint Antoine in the search for a sandwich that was sans both mayonnaise and cheese. Then, as if a mirage, I saw this outdoor market, and was immediately drawn to a stand where the scents of paella, stewing sausages and charcuterie perfumed the smoggy Parisian air. This andouillette, caramelized onion and mustard sandwich really hit the spot.

The famed almond croissant! Reason # 1 of 2789374 on the "Why I Love Paris" list.

Jars of delicious things to put on crêpes at Créperie Des Arts.

And now, pictures of culture:

the Louvre on a beautiful, sunny Friday


Boltanski exhibit at the Grand Palais (Thanks for the tip, Aunt Lisa!)

cool graffiti in the Marais

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