Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a great wednesday

things that made today wonderful:

I saw this outside the school this morning. Che carino.

These machines are one of my favorite things about Italy, and I want one in my home. It's a Lavazza coffee machine that makes you capuccini, espressi macchiati, espressi lunghi or corti, cioccolati caldi, really whatever you want. It costs about 50 centesimi and the coffee is good. It makes every morning better.

After lunch, either Anna Maria or Laura usually give me a ride to the train station so I don't have to take the bus. Both of them were busy this afternoon, so I waited around in the mensa for Filippo, one of my favorite professors I've met so far. He drove Giuseppe, another professor, and I to the train station, but first we stopped un attimino at this amazing pasticceria, where Filippo insisted on buying me a tray of pastries to bring back to my hostel with me. Everyone is highly concerned that I'm not eating enough since I'm in a hostel (this isn't true, I eat a lot of crackers and bresaola ... haha). Then we stopped to prendere un caffè before I took the tram back to the centro.
I taught my first lesson of real material today: Einstein's theory of relativity and World War I. I'm not exactly an expert on these things, but it's comforting that the point of the material isn't to necessarily learn about this history of Great Britain and the USA, but to learn the language through historical concepts. I wish I could choose my own subject matter, but I guess this will have to do.

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