Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The big news of the moment? I am FINALLY in my real apartment! It's absolutely lovely. Here are some pictures:

this couch folds out to a really comfortable double bed.

my own bathroom!
and here is one of the animals, Brigitte:

Mirella, the woman I rent the room from, had set out a little tray with teas, cookies, chocolate and some coffee. I came home today to this mess:

Turns out Ronny, the dog, had gotten into the chocolate. Hence, un casino. I was cracking up and showed it to Mirella. She was completely unphased by the incident and replied, "Si lo so, è una bestia!"

1 comment:

  1. normally i'm all about the kitchen (the blue walls! the cuteness!) but WOW the bathroom. fantasic!
