Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hello, weekend!
The sun was shining yesterday, a rare treat in Milan in winter, so I took the opportunity to walk down Corso Buenos Aires, one of the big shopping strips, and buy myself a Wind Internet Key. I was guaranteed that the one I chose would work with a Mac, and it does, to a certain extent, but I keep getting this message that it "cannot connect with the remote PPP server", so I can't get on the internet. I have no idea what that means, so it looks like I'll be heading back to the Wind store this afternoon.

To unwind from my Wind experience (haha), I went out for aperitivi and music with Rachel, a fellow Smithie alumna doing the Lombardia teaching program. We got aperitivi at Frida, a delightfully commie spot literally around the corner from my apartment, and then went to Wasabi, a nocturnal music spot a few doors down. Here are some pics:

These guys played CCR, Crosby Still Nash & Young, and The Band covers, and they kept referring to Woodstock. It was awesome.

I love the line-up of guitars here!

I will be attempting to bake for the first time this afternoon; I'm anticipating some desperate down time after having to deal with this internet business. Why is getting internet access so hard in this country?

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